Page:Sailors tragedy (1).pdf/3

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Straight they went and cut her down,
And in her breast a note was found;
This note was written out at large,
Bury me not I do you charge

But on the ground here let me lie,
For every one that passes by,
That they by me a warning take,
And see what follows e'er too late.

As he is false I do protest
That he on earth shall find no rest,
And it is said she plagu'd him so,
That to the seas he’s forc'd to go.

As he was on the main-mast high,
A little boat he did espy,
In it there was a Ghost so grim,
That made him tremble every limb.

Down to the deck the young man goes,
To the Captain his mind for to disclose:
Here is a spirit coming hence,
O Captain stand in my defence.

Upon the deck he Captain goes,
Where soon he spy’d the fatal Ghost;