Page:Satanella (1932).pdf/65

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"You have broken rite most sacred,
Drew a sword against grand master,
With a youthful witch held meetings
Secretly, 'gainst holy promise—
To your death you have been sentenced.
But because you once defended
'gainst the Turk in many battles,
Sacred creed and order's honor,
Therefore judges changed their sentence.
You shall stand with head clear shaven
Without cloak and without armour,
Round your neck a toughened cordage,
To be gazed at by the people.
Thus you'll stand and shall behold there
When at stake they'll stand and burn her,
Satanella, witch of witches.
And after her execution
You shall spend your life's remainder
'twixt the walls of our castle,
Till, with some great deed in battle,
You'll efface with your own blood stream
Your heart's guilt and our dishonor."

Judges finished and then left him
With a solemn stride. . . . Then quiet. . . .
Only night now casts its shadows
On the wall, o'er floor and corners.