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grab unearned glory had been too much for the captain.

"That ———" Tony's voice crackled with venom as he spat out the epithet between clenched teeth. "I'll get him yet."

Tony drove to his headquarters with a ferocity that brought down upon him the profane maledic­tions of innumerable pedestrians and other motor­ists. But by the time he reached his desk his fury had cooled to an icy, wordless anger infinitely more dangerous. Never yet had he failed to get even with a betrayer.

"The D.A.'s been callin' up every five minutes for the last hour," said Al, the little, rat-faced door­-man. "Said you was to give him a ring the minute you come in. Sounds like he's awful upset about somep'm."

"To hell with him!” snarled Tony. "If he wants to talk to me, he knows where to find me. We ought to get some service out of that ‘bit’ we pay him every month."

"Better be careful with him. Chief," warned Al. "He's more dangerous than any mob leader in town. He's got a strong-arm squad that's took many a poor guy for a ride."

Tony considered a moment then, with an angry