Page:Science (journal) Volume 1 1883.djvu/76

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IV SCIENCE. — AD VER TI8ING. pip OBTANT NEW BOOKS. JAMES MONROE. By D. C. GiLMAM, President of Johns Hopkins University. Vol. VI. of "American Sutes. men ** series. 16mo, gilt top, $1.25. The biographv of President Monroe has never before been written; and in this book Mr. Oil- man prodnces no small amount of fresh material for elucidating the history of our government at a time when several important questions, nota- bly the Monroe doctrine, were engaging public attention. The book contains so much that Is new, and is so well written, that it will be found one of the most valuable volumes in the series of '^American Statesmen." RIVERSIDE HAWTHORNE. Vol. I. Twice-Told Tales. Vol. U. Mosses firom an Old Manse. Vol. III. The House of the Seven Oables, and the Snow Image. Vol. IV. A Wonder-Book, Tanglewood Tales, and Grandfftther's Chair. Each containing an introductory note by Mr. OiOBOK P. Lathrop, author of " A Study of Hawthorne,** an original ftill-page etching, and a vignette wood-cut. Crown 8vo, gilt top, $2 a volume. The new Rivertide edition of Hawthome*s works has won immediate popularity by the un- surpassed excellence of the contents and of the beautlftil style in which it is produced. It will be complete in twelve volumes. %* For »aU by all book»tUer». Sent by mailt pontpaid^ on receipt of price^ by the Publieheret HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN, & CO., BOSTON. PASHVAH, KEATING, &. CO; J PRINTERS, Fayette Court. 603 Washington Street, Boston. .John CAsnMAN . Jami s Keating. JW. 8TAKIF0BD, manufactuFer of • UOMOSOPATHIC AND SPSCIMBN PhIAU, and dealer in Chemical Glass- Ware, Glass Tub- intr. etc., No. 23 Elm Htreet, Boston, Mass. MTBBIMAC "C^BMiCAL C07~Or^nlz^ In 1863. Manufacturers of Oil Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, Nitric Acid pure, Sulphate of Soda. Muriate of Tin, Tin Crysuls, Soda Ash, Glauber's Salt, Refined Sulphur, Blue Vitriol, etc.; niso dealers in Aqua Ammonia, Acetic Acid, etc. O. T. Howard, Treas. A. P. Howard, Supt. Office at 73 Kilby Street, Boston. Works at South Wilmington, Mass., on the Bos- ton and I^welj^ Rail road. BOSTON WEEKLY AI)V£BTI8£B7~One Dollar a year. All New-England news. One Dollar a year. T6NTiAiLY~ADyEBfl8KBL thi representative paper of New England. One Dollar a m onth . BOSTON WSEKLTABVEBTISEB. One Dollar a year. All New-England news. OneDollar a year. B08T0N~DAtLT ADVERTISEBT the represenuUve paper of New England. One Dol lar a month. B08T6N~WEEKLT ABVEBTIBEB. One Dollar a year. All New-England news. One Do llar a year. B08T0N~I)AILYrAI)VEBtl8EB7 the represenuUve paper of New EngUnd. One Dollar a month. B08f6N^WEEKLYADVEBtl8EB~O^ Dollar a year. All New-England news. One Dollar a year. HOW to~1j8E KNirmro silk, a handsome illustrated book, with rules and diagrams which are wholly trustworthy. Sent postpaid for 5 cents In stamps. Address George D. Atkins, 18 Summer Street, Boston. B QFFICE OF THE F0BBE8 COMPANT, BOSTON. TO SCIENTIFIC MEN: — Tour attention is called to our esublisho^nt as the most thoroughly equipped in the world, for all kinds of printing, drawing, and illustrating ever required by scientiflo men. All modern processes of illustration are done by us on our own premises, and include, besides others, — LITHOGRAPHY AND CHROMO-LITHOG- RAPHY — used chiefly for commercial work, maps, and line work, where the drawing is made directly on stone, and where one or any number of colors are desired. PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHY — the simplest and most economical process of obtaining, at low cost, a number of prints where a Jet-black line drawing is ftimished on white paper trom which to photograph. PHOTO-ENGRAVING — producing at half cost of wood engraving an ordinary electro- type from any line drawing. ALBERT YPE — the most satisfactory of all the processes for obtaining photographic facsimiles of any class of originals producing the effect either of line engravings, or of a photograph. We cheerfully Aimish tah information and estimates to all who may need illustrations of any kind. THE FORBES COMPANY, Boston. SPEOTACLBS. A. J. Llotd, Optician, 78 Tremont Street, opposite entrance to Tremont House, Boston, Mass. ** The Boston Post,** Sept. 11, 1882, in an article on the impor- tance of seeking reliable opticians, when persons are In need of spectacles, said, " One of the edit- ors of* The Post,* who has worn glasses made the best-known opticians of Boston, has Sasure in reoommendlng Mr. A. J. Lloyd as ng the best he has tried." B~ INDBB8F0B '*8CIBMCE." Alarge~^ sortment ot the best binders for Scikncb, and all other periodicals, to be had by mail, at the lowest prices. Miltil Din, Library Bureau, 82 Hawfey Street, Bosto n. STATIONEBY of all descriptions at Hknrt A. YoiTNO & Co.'s, 25 Arch Street, Boston. The attention of authors Is called to our large line of low-priced fine manuscript papers. Oor- respondence solicited. BLANK BOOKS TO OBDEB, a specialty, at Henrt a. YoiTNe & Co.*8, 26 Arch Street, Boston. Estimates famished. BOSTON FOBEION BOOK AND PEBI- odlcal Establishment. Carl Schobnhof, 146 Tremont Street, Boston. Agents in all leading European cities. CaUlogucs sent when applied for. SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT IN every department of literature. Prices quoted on standard books by mail. The largest retail bookstore in New England. W. B. CukBKM Sc Carruth, ^ 340 Washing ton Street, Boston. pUSHINO'S KANUAL OFFABLTAJTEN- J tary Practice. The recognised authority In all the States on rules and order of debate, and is an indispensable handbook for every citizen. Price, 76 cents. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Thompson, Brown, Sc Co., Publishers,

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A"' LBEBT CTJTP" BU88ELL, 7 Pcmberton Square, Boston, Mass. Engraver on Wood. References: American Steam Oauge Co., Boston Journal of Commerce. TTALE COLLEGE OBSEEYATOBT, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Receives Thermometers for certificaiea of comparison with standards, and Time-pfeoea far certificates of rate. Descriptive circulars will be mailed on appB- cation to the Secretary of the Observatory. EVANS'S NEW8PAPEB ADVEBTI8IN0 Agency, Tremont Temple, Bo«toD, makos contracts for advertising in all newppap^rs and periodicals at rates far less than an advertiser can get direct ft'om publishers. Here also eocD- petent persons make a special study in tb«  preparation of advertisements so as to get tb« J nest effect, in the least space, at the loweat cost Advertisers who patronize the long-established I agency save money, time, and labor. The Bran* Agency has been established many years, and has a long list of constant patrons. Correapood- ence promptly attended to. T. C. Evans, Trem o nt Temple, Boeton. NCHOB i^Ei The steamera of th» Anchor line sail from New Tork to Glasgow, Saturday, carrying the United-States malls. From New York to Barrow-in-FamcM and to Avonmouth (Bristol), at regular intervals. DraAs Issued (playable f^-ee of charge) on C^reat Britain and Ireland, at lowest nteM. For freight, Eassage, and all other information, apply to [bndbrbon Brothkrs, 7 Bowling Green, New York, and 7 and 9 State Street, Boston. GEOBOE H. BINNEY, Fire and Marine Insurance Broker, 35 Congress Street, Room 23, Boston, If Post Office Box 1752. EDWABD A. FBEEMAN, Broker in Miscellaneous Stoeka. Loans negotiated. Correspondence invited. No. 7 Exchange Place, Boston. WANTED — All inventors to~know that I make no charge for obtaining patents until after the patent is actually allowed. Over thirty years* experience. Book sent free. C. A. Bha w, 11 Court Street, Boaton. IDDEB, PEABODY, &C0 , BANKKBB, No. 113 Devonshire Street, issue Mercaa- tile and Travellers' Credits, available io all part* of the world, through Messrs. Baring Brothen & Co., London, and their correvpondenta. Buy and sell foreign exchanges and telegraphic trans- fers on Europe, California, and the British Provinces; also, stocks, bonds, and all United States securities. Stock and bond ordera executed in this and other markets. KiBDER, PlABODT, & Co., Boatos- C~ HABLE8 BIVEB llATIONAL BAHX of Cambridge, Mass. Sute charter, 1SS2; National, 1864. Capital, $100,000; aarplos, $60,000. Samuel B. Rindge, Pretident; Kbea Snow, Cashier; Samuel B. Rindge, William T. Richardson, David B. FUnt, William KimbaU, and Eben Snow, Directors. Banldng-Houae, at No. 1 Ha rvard R ow, Cambridge, Mass- ,000 METBOPOLITAN B.B. 7s, Due April 1, 1884. For sale by Perkins, Dtn>BB, & Co., Bankers, 40 Stete Street, Boeton, Maaa. AKEBICAN LOAN AND TBU8T COX- pany, 55 Congress Street, Boston. Capital, $1,000,000. Legal depository for adminiatrmtor* and courts of law. Authorized trustee for cor- porations and municipalities. Interest allowed on deposits for ftill time they r«nain. First- class investment securities bought and aold. Ezra U. Bakbr, President. N. W. Jordan, Actuary. E. A.Coftiw, Ti $3 MAVEBICK NATIONAL BANK, Comer Water and Congress Street*, Bos- ton. Capita], $400,000; surplus, $400,000. A«- counts of banks, assoclitions, societies, and individuals received. United Sutes bonds and Investment securities bought and sold. Sterlliw exchange on England, Ireland, and Scotlana drawn. Telegramiic transfers of money made to all parU of the United SUtes, Canada, and Great Britain. Letters of credit Issued, paymbie throughout the United States. Asa p. Potter, President. J. J. Eddy, C ashier. J. W. Work, Asat Cash. pOAL AND WOOD. J W. T. Richardson Jc Co., College Wharf, Cambridge* Kam.