Page:Science vol. 5.djvu/146

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��The shock seems to have beea most severe in the southern part of Frederick county, Md., where, at Fctersville and Lime Kiln, it reached Some interestitig facia have come to light, No. 3 of the proposed scale. At most places during the investigations, by the U. S. agri- it did not exceed No. 2, and it is therefore cultural bureau of chemistry, of the composi- called above a ' light ' shock. There lire some tion of milk. Tho objcet of the inveatigalion

���indications, also, of a focus of increased inten- sity in the southern part of the area affected, &s shown by the reports from Warrenton and Fairfax, Va., but no conflrmation of these was obtained.

The limitB of the shock and its intensity at various places, so far as reported, are indicated by appropriate symbols upon the map, to which the reader is referred,

C. G. RocKwooD, .lun.

��is to delermine by large uurabeva of analyses made under uniform conditions, and on sam- ples from various sources, the average constit- nents of American milk. The work which hu«  been done uj) to this time has been mostly of a local nature, but sufficiently extensive to give value to the rcsidts obtained.

The specific gravity of milk is 1 .030. When the cream has been removed, lliis number is larger. Twelve samples of milk from Mr.

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