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An English vessel passing up the Clyde, fell in with a Highland Sloop coming down, which the captain of the former hailed with the usual salutation of “Sloop ahoy!” when the following conversation took place:—

Captain. What’s your cargo?
Highlander. Penlomon.
Cap. Where are you bound for?
High. Potatoes.
Cap. What’s your Captain’s name?
High. Proomala.
Cap. Where do you come from?
High. Yes; it’s a fine poat.
Cap. Will you take us on board?
High. Yesterday.


Henry, Duke of Buccleugh, was greatly beloved by his numerous tenantry. One of them yclept Jamie Howie, had a son about four ears of age, who having heard much of a great Duke of Buccleugh, was very anxious to see him. Honest Jamie, in a few days, being honoured with a visit from the