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perseverance,—and that, above all, he must seek elevation of character, without which capacity is worthless and worldly success is naught. If the author has not succeeded in illustrating these lessons, he can only say that he has failed in his object.

Among the new passages introduced in the present edition may be mentioned the following: Illustrious Foreigners of Humble Origin (pp. 12, 14), French Generals and Marshals risen from the Ranks (16), De Tocqueville and Mutual Help (29), William Lee, M.A., and the Stocking-loom (50), John Heathcoat, M.P., and the Bobbin-net Machine (56), Jacquard and his Loom (66), Vaucanson (69), Joshua Heilmann and the Combing-machine (74), Bernard Palissy and his Struggles (81), Böttgher, Discoverer of Hard Porcelain (95), Comte de Buffon as Student (123), Cuvier (151), Ambrose Paré (158), Claude Lorraine (189), Jacques Callot (192), Benvenuto Cellini (194), Nicolas Poussin (199), Ary Scheffer (202), the Strutts of Belper (252), Francis Xavier (280), Napoleon as a Man of Business (325), Intrepidity of Deal Boatmen (471), besides numerous other passages which it is unnecessary to specify.

London, May, 1866.