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It is rare for those who serve Thee to want for bread. True — Thou wilt often refuse what would gratify greediness or ill-regulated appetites, because these are bad, and it is more worthy of Thee to restrain than to gratify them; but as to the necessaries of life, hardly ever dost Thou refuse them to such as fear Thee and ask with humility. Thou hast charged the rich with the support of the poor; and hast placed so high a value on almsgiving that it can never cease to flourish in Thy Church. But even shouldst Thou, our Father, see well to let us want for bread, or for any other necessary of life, what should we say? We must simply go back to the previous petition: — 'Thy will be done ’: — for ' My meat,' said Our Lord, is ' to do the will of him that sent me.’ [1]

Another version reads 'Give us our supersubstantial bread,’ by which we understand the Bread of the Holy Eucharist. O my God, give us this to-day and every day. Were we only worthy to communicate every time we are present at the Holy Sacrifice! The table is prepared, but the guests are wanting: yet, O Jesus, Thou callest them to come! Let us

  1. John iv. 34.