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Sin has subjected us to innumerable hard labours: but we must not carry these to the point of getting over-anxious. We must work, certainly; this is the penalty that God Himself has imposed for sin; but let us work in the spirit of penance, and leave the fruit of our toil to God. 'O men of little faith!... Your Father knoweth that you have need of these things.' Do you doubt that He knows what you need? He made you: He has promised to see to your wants: do you doubt His will to do it? He Who has forestalled you in all things: — Who gave you your being, which He had not promised to you: —is not likely to refuse you what He promised even before you existed! ' Be not,' then, 'solicitous.'

See how you grow; how your body nourishes itself. Can you add one cubit to your stature? God has been causing you to grow in your sleep, and has made you develop from an infant into a man. Believe, then, that He will do everything else necessary for your body: lean on His power and His goodness.

To the words ‘ be not solicitous ' which St Matthew has recorded, St Luke adds: ‘and be not lifted up on high ’ [1]: — as if in danger of falling,

  1. Luke xii. 29.