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( 13 )

ſaid them into being, be as effectual to ſay them away again Thus ſaid he Lord it is enough to enſue the accompliſhment of the hard it things proph ſied.

2. The glory of his grace, which is the great ſign of the whole myſtery of Godlineſs ſurely requires it. What does he intend by the myſtery nf Chriſt but the glory of his grace. Eph. i. 6. 'To ſhew the exceeding riches of it !' Chap. ii 7 'Therefore he has choſen the way that lead ſtraight to the point.' Rom. iv. 16. 'Therefore i of faith that it might b by grace.' The Worm is deſpicable in itſelf, but being the ſubject of glorious grace; if it ſhall m ſcarry in his attempts, 'the glory of grace' is ſunk, as the precious leading with the ſhip caſt away. Wherefore, that his grace may be glorified if it be in a Worm threſhing mountains,' thoſe mountains muſt needs be threſhed away by that Worm tho' that ſacred fire be but like a ſpark in the midſt of the ſea of corruption, it muſt not only be preſerved in, but dry up that ſea quite & clear.

2 By an unalterable decree, there muſt be a conformity betwixt the little Worm and the great Worm Jacob, the little one's kinſman Redeemer, Rom. viii 9, For whom he did forex now he alſo did predeſtinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son, that he might be the firſt born among many brethren.' Now the great Worm the Man Chriſt, a Worm and Man. Pſ l xx 6 Has encountered mountains, and threſhed them away. Where are the four monarchies, the moſt towering mountains that ever ſet up their heads on earth? The chief Worm Jacob has threſhed them away to chaff. which is away with the w(illegible text) Dan ii 25. The mounatins ſtood before him through the world, with all the faſtneſs that him in learning (illegible text) the power of the ſword could give; but, by his Fiſherman, he threſhed them, away, and the propheſy is fulfilled Pſal lxxii 12. There ſhall be a hand of corn in the earth on the top of the mountains, the fruit thereof ſhall ſhake like Lebanon and they of the city ſhall flouriſh like the graſs of the earth (illegible text)