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mountains ſhall not crush the worm, but the worm ſhall threſh the mountains as one doth a ſheath of corn with repeated ſtrokes. They did not threſh their corn in thoſe days with flails as we do, but trode it out with the feet of men or beaſts, or elſe by drawing a kind of cart drag or ſledge over and over it, called in the Text Threſhing inſtruments I do not mind the word here denotting the action of the worm, and rendered threſhing, applied at all to the drag. But as it formerly ſignifies to tread out, as rendered Hoſ x. 11. Ephraim is as an Heifer that is taught and loveth to tread out the corn;' as appears from Iſa xxv. 10.

'For in this mountain ſhall the hand of the Lord reſt, and Moab shall be trodden down under him, even as ſtraw is trodden down for the dunghill.' So it is applied to a ſelf moving creature Man Mic iv 13. 'Arise and threſh O daughter of Zion or Breaſt. re iv Here lies the Myſtery then uniting the two nations of the ſelf move, and the inſtruments that the Worm hath tread out the mountains, as one would do to a Mole hill. And if ye ſay alas! ſuch a treader, what weight has it? I will make (ſaith the Lord) the feet of the belly of The Worm like a new ſharp threſhing drag for them that ſhall tread out the higheſt and rockieſt of them all to purpoſe.

(3) The degree and pitch of the Worm's ſuccess againſt thoſe mountains: It ſhall beat them ſmall till they be like duſt, as the word is used, Dut ix, 21, or like Chaff. So that they ſhall be blown away with Wind, and no veſtage of them remain.

(4.) The inſurance of this ſucceſſ of the Worm. who could inſure it but the mighty God? he has done it, Jeſus Chriſt Jehovah the most high God, and the Worm Jacob's kinſman Redeemer, hath by his word of promiſe engaged his Almighty power on the side of the Worm againſt the mountains. Let not the Worm fear or doubt the ſucceſs. A Worm ſeconded by Jeſus Chriſt will be an over match for all the mountains (illegible text) earth or (illegible text)