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the devil. Equality, too, established not by debasing all to an equal grade of servility, but by raising each to a sense of his dignity as a child of God and heir to heaven. Fraternity also, whereby the rich are bound to assist the poor, the victor to spare the vanquished, and peace is established and maintained between people and people and between man and man. And in the accomplishment of this social revolution the Church has never shed a drop of blood nor struck a single blow. With the book of science in one hand she has — even in the ages when learning was a reproach— she has gone through the world educating mankind up to an appreciation of the truth, and with the crucifix in the other hand she has presented to them the motive for conforming their lives to the lessons received. And in all that time she has never trespassed on the rights of king or people; in fulfilling her mission she has helped the civil authorities to accomplish theirs; and when persecuted by jealous rulers she has, in the interests of peace, retreated to the last limits of truth and justice before pronouncing her ultimatum: "Thus far and no farther shalt thou come." For just as her divine Founder by His very goodness excited the jealous hatred of the Caesars, and was consequently scourged and crucified, so too the Church. The State has tripped her up at every turn; dashed from her hand the wine and oil she would have poured into the wounds of suffering humanity. It forbade her first ministers, the Apostles, to preach the Gospel or name of Jesus Christ, and it arrested and executed them as rebels