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The sweet girls of Britain can monarch’s subdue,
And lovely in person and mind;
Yet the fairest of lassies,
That all those surpasses,
Is Jeannie the maid of the moor,
Is Jeannie, lovely Jeannie, the maid of the moor.

The lassies of Scotland are fam’d far and near.
The maidens of Erin breath love,
The sweet girls of Britain to Briton’s are dear.
And soft as the down of the dove.
Still the fairest of lassies,
That all those surpasses,
Is Jeannie the maid of the moor,
Is Jeannie, lovely Jeannie, the maid of the moor,



When the glow-worms glide the elfin flower,
That clings round my ruin’d shrine ;
When first we met, when first we lov’d,
And I confessed thee mine ;
'Tis there I fly to meet thee still,
At the sound of the Vesper Bell,
In the starry light of a summer’s night,
On the Banks of the blue Mozelle.
  On the Banks of the blue Mozelle.

If the cares of life should shade thy brow,
Yes, yes in our native bowers,
My lute and harp might best accord,
To tell of happier hours.