Page:Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.djvu/101

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A round of fresh beef weighing from eighteen to twenty pounds.
A pound of the fat of bacon or corned pork.
The marrow from the bone of the beef, chopped together.
A quarter of a pound of beef-suet
Two bundles of pot-herbs, parsley, thyme, small onions, &c. chopped fine.
Two large bunches of sweet majoram, sufficient when powdered to make four table-spoonfuls of each.
Two bunches of sweet basil,
Two large nutmegs,
Half an ounce of cloves, beaten to a powder.
Half an ounce of mace,
One table spoonful of salt.
One table spoonful of pepper.
Two glasses of madeira wine.

If your a-la-mode beef is to be eaten cold, prepare it three days before it is wanted.

Take out the bone. Fasten up the opening with skewers, and tie the meat all round with tape. Rub it all over on both sides with salt. A large round of beef will be more tender than a small one.

Chop the marrow and suet together. Pound the spice. Chop the pot-herbs very fine. Pick the sweet-majoram and sweet-basil clean from the stalks, and rub the leaves to a powder. You must have at least four table-spoonfuls of each. Add the pepper and salt, and mix well together all the ingredients that compose the seasoning.

Cut the fat of the bacon or pork into pieces about a quarter of an inch thick and two inches long. With a sharp knife make deep incisions all over the round of beef and very near each other. Put first a little of the seasoning into each hole, then a slip of the bacon, pressed down hard and covered with more seasoning. Pour a little wine into each hole.