Page:She's fair an' fause.pdf/4

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When Johnny Coup to Dunbar came,
They spier’d at him wheres a your men?
O wow, says Johnny I diynna ken,
For I left them a' i' the morning,
Hey Johnny Coup &c.

Now Johnny troth ye was nae blate,
To come we news o' your ain defeat
And leave your men in sic a strait,
So early in the morning.
Hey Johnny Coup &c.

Alas! quoth Johnny, I got a fleg,
Wi’ their claymores and philabegs
If I face them again I'll break my legs;
So I wish you a' good morning.

Hey Johnny Coup are ye waking yet,
Or are your drums a-beating yet;
If ye were waken I would wait,
To gang to the coals i' the morning.

Nobody coming to marry me.

Last night the dogs did bark,
I went to the gate to see.
There every lass had her spark,
But nobody coming for me.
And its oh! dear what shall because of me?

oh! dear what shall I do,