Page:She's fair an' fause.pdf/6

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When the thunder of war is roaring!
When the bullets around me fly
When the rage of the tempest, pouring,
Blends the billows sea, and sky,
Yet shall my hear to fear a stranger,
Cherish its fondest hopes for thee;
This dear reflection disarming danger,
My Love is brathing a prayer for me,

Kitty of the Clyde.

A boat danc’d on Clyde's bonny stream,
when winds were rudely blowing,
There sat wha might the Goddess seem,
of the waves, beneath her flowing;
But no a mortal fair was she,
surpassing a' beside !
And youths a'spear'd her choice to be,
sweet Kitty o' the Clyde.

I saw the boatman spread a sail,
and while his da(illegible text)ness nothing,
The boat was upset by the gale,
I saw sweet Kitty floating!
I plung'd into the silver wave,
wi' Cupid for my guide,
And thought my life well to save,
sweet Kitty o' the Clyde.

But K ty's aye a high-born fair,

a lowly name I carry;