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to rest on the bed though but of straw, which Adelaide had prepared for them. Is not our adventure surprising?—Let us endeavour, said they to unravel the mystery of this pretended shepherdess, invite her to accompany us, and make her happy if we can.

Without desiring to penetrate into the secrets of your birth, Adelaide, or into whatever is the eause of your distress I feel that I am sensibly interested in all that eoneerns your welfare. 'Tis evident that your courage raises you above your misfortunes, and that you eonform your behaviour suitable to your present eireumstances. 'Tis true, your charms and your virtues rendcr your condition now as it is respeetable, but it is not a eondition designed for you. It is in my power, amiable unknown, to alter it, as the Count's intentions are quite agreeable to mine. I want a bosom friend; and what I have seen in you, I shall think myself possessed of an inestimable treasure, if you eonsent to be my friend and eompanion. Be not under any concern about these good people; I shall make up for their loss, at least as far as to enable them to pass the rcmainder of their days in peaee and plenty, & from your hands they shall reeeive my constant bounty. The poor old folks, who were present, fell on their knees and kissed the Countess's hand; then turning to Adelaide, thcy conjured her in the most pressing terms, to aeeept the lady's generous proposal. We cannot at onr time of day, be far frnm the grave, and as it has been our eonstant study to make our lives happy, so must our death leave you comfortless in this solitary place. The shepherdess embracing them,