Page:Shipwrecks and disasters at sea.pdf/19

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Of the boats, two only (those in which the (illegible text)overnor and the captain of the frigate had embarked) arrived at Senegal: the other four made (illegible text)e shore in different places, and landed their people. They suffered extremely from hunger and thirst, and the effects of a burning sun reflected on the surface of naked sand; with the exception, however, of two or three, they all reached Senegal.

The governor, recollecting that the Medusa had on board two hundred thousand francs in (illegible text)ecie, sent off a little vessel to visit the wreck; (illegible text)at no part of this wretched expedition might reflect disgrace on another) with only eight days’ provision on board; so that she was compelled to return without being able to approach (illegible text); she was again sent out with twenty-five days' provisions, but being ill found, and the weather bad, she returned to port a second time. On the third attempt she reached the wreck; (illegible text)ty-two days after it had been abandoned; but what were the horror and astonishment of those who ascended it, to discover on board three miserable wretches just on the point of expiring!

It now appeared that seventeen men had clung to the wreck when boats and raft departed; their (illegible text)st object had been to collect a sufficient quan(illegible text) biscuit, wine, brandy and pork for their (illegible text)stenance for a certain number of days. While this lasted, they were quite; but forty-two days having passed without any succour appearing, twelve of the most determined, seeing themselves on the point of starving, resolved to make for (illegible text)land: they therefore constructed a raft, or float,