Page:Short stories for little folks, or, Little tales calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue.pdf/12

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in a direction nearly North and South. The ſailor is therefore furniſhed with an unerring guide in the midſt of the ocean. For when he faces the North, the Eaſt and Weſt are readily aſcertained, the former lying to his right, and the latter to his left hand. And from theſe four points, all the ſubdiviſions of the mariner's compaſs are formed. The figure of a ſtar, which you ſo often draw upon paper, will give you a clear idea of the compaſs. Make yourſelf a maſter of it; and from the preſent inſtance of your want of knowledge, learn a becoming modeſty in the judgements which you form concerning the productions of nature. The whole creation is the workmanſhip of an Omnipotent Being; and though we cannot always trace the marks of harmony, beauty, or uſefulneſs, yet doubtleſs to the eye of a ſuperior intelligence, every part of it diſplays infallible wiſdom, and unbounded goodneſs.

We too often judge of Men by the Splendour, and not by the Merit of their Actions.

ALEXANDER demanded of a Pirate, whom he had taken, by what right he infeſted the ſeas? By the ſame right, replied he boldly, that you enſlave the world. But I am called a robber, becauſe I have only one ſmall vefſel: and you are ſtyled a