Page:Short stories for little folks, or, Little tales calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue.pdf/24

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indignation! It is your own picture which I have drawn, replied Euphronius. The great Potentate of heaven and earth has placed you in a world which diſplays the higheſt beauty, order, and magnificence; and which abounds with every means of convenience, enjoyment, and happineſs. He has furniſhed you with ſuch powers of body and mind as give you dominion over the fiſhes of the ſea, the fowls of the air, and the beaſts of the field. And he has invited you to hold communion with him, and to exalt your own nature by the love and imitation of his divine perfections. Yet have your eyes wandered with brutal gaze over the fair creation, unconſcious of the mighty hand from which it ſprung. You have rioted in the profuſion of nature, without one ſecret emotion of gratitude to the ſovereign diſpenſer of all good. And you have ſlighted the glorious converſe, and forgotten the preſence of that Omnipotent Being, who fills all ſpace, and exiſts through all eternity.


Printed by G Miller, Dunbar.