Page:Short stories for little folks, or, Little tales calculated to excite juvenile minds to the love and practice of virtue.pdf/7

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comedy; and a third failed, with a party, upon the Duke of Bridgwater's Canal, and viewed all the wonders of that ſtupendous undertaking. But when they returned home, the chearful communications of friendſhip were ſuppreſſed; and the uſual eagerneſs to diſcloſe all which they had ſeen, was converted into ſilence and reſerve. No ſocial converſe enlivened the evening hours, and the ſprightlineſs of youth gave place to mute ſolemnity. Sophron remarked the change with ſurpriſe and ſolicitude. He felt the loſs of that gaiety and unreſerved intercourſe, which he ſeldom promoted, but of which he loved to participate. And when the deſign of his brothers and ſiſters were explained to him, he candidly acknowledged, and promiſed to amend his fault.

The Honour and Advantage of a constant
adherence to Truth.

PETRARCH, a celebrated Italian Poet, who flouriſhed about four hundred years ago, recommended himſelf to the confidence and affection of Cardinal Colonna, in whoſe family he reſided, by his candour and ſtrict regard to truth. A violent quarrel occurred in the houſhold of this nobleman, which was carried ſo far that they had