Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/274

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central prison succeeded in Schlusselburg. He was promptly tried by court-martial and shot.

In January, 1882, about three months before the escape of the eight convicts from the political prison at Kará, two married women, Madam Kaválskaya and Madam Bogomólets, escaped from prison while passing through Irkútsk N. SHCHEDRÍN.
(From a police photograph taken in convict dress.)
on their way to the mines. They were recaptured before they could get out of the city, and when they were brought back to their cells they were subjected to the customary personal search. These searches are always made by men, even when the prisoners are women, but in most cases they are conducted with decency and with the forms of respect. On this occasion, however, Colonel Solivióf, an adjutant of the governor-general, and a man of disreputable personal character, who happened to be in the prison when Madam Kaválskaya and Madam Bogomólets were brought back, conducted the search himself, and in the course of it not only insulted the women, but caused them to be stripped naked in his presence. He then had the audacity to go to a kámera in which were confined a number of male political convicts and boast of his exploit, remarking contemptuously, "Your political women are not much to look at." Among