Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/577

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130; free commands, 152, 153, 156, 164, 166-190, 208, 227, 229, 260; immorality among, 152; difficulties of meeting with, at Kará, 166-173, 181-183; an official's views of the lives of politicals, 178; money received by, 179, 180; searching a political, 180, 181; risks of carrying letters for, 194, 195, 198-200; politicals sent to Kará, 206-222; abolition of free command at Kará, 208, 227, 229; hardships of politicals at Kará, 223 et seq.; care of lunatics among, 228; attempts to escape, 229-232; reduction to "dungeon conditions," 232, 235; hunger-strikes among, 216, 238-240, 264-266, 338; officials' opinions about, 244, 245; stringent orders about politicals, 261; servitude in Nérchinsk silver mines, 280; meeting with a party on the march, 357-359; the maidánschik among, 358, 359; departure of marching party from Krasnoyársk, 368-370; winter marches of, 370-372; visits to politicals at Minnsínsk, 407, 410-412, 415; character of politicals, 430-456; division into classes, 436-439; cost of transportation, 465, 466; reforming-class, 548.

"Exile Statutes," I. 254.
Exile system, incitements to study of, I. iii; difficulty of investigating, v; criticism of author's articles on, vi, viii; sources of authority on, viii, x, II. 475-483; origin of, I. 74-77; early horrors of, 76, 77; remedial measures, 77; statistics of, 78-82; workings of, 242-277; opinions of Siberian officers of, 308-310; the tragedies of, as seen in Tomsk, 348, 349; my change of views on, 349, 350; horrors of, 397-409; discussion and study of, with Capt. Makófski, II. 6-11, 13-15, 17-19; Gov.-gen. Ignátief's views on, 16; Capt. Nikólin's opinions of, 177-182; Col. Nóvikof's opinions of, 331-334; evils and projected reforms, 457-471; disorganization of, 547.
Extraordinary safeguard, II. 507.
Fair, at Nízhni Nóvgorod, I. 6-9; at Irbít, 104.
Families, separation of, I. 82, 83.
"Fathers and Children," II. 433.
Fauna of Siberia, I. 150, 217, 227, II. 63, 64.
Fedchénko, Madam, sister of Miss Armfeldt, II. 183, 184.
Ferries in Siberia, I. 162, 284, 285, 362, 368, II. 98, 132-134.
Figuer, Véra, Russian terrorist, II. 433.
Finland, petition for freedom of press from parliament of, II. 489.
Finno-Ugrian language, II. 393.
Finsch, ——, explorations in the Altái, I. 188.
Fire department, in Siberian villages, I. 69, 70; at Irkútsk, II. 11-13.
Flogging, in early times, I. 74, 75; of Dostoyéfski, 143; at East Siberian mines, 374; of Madam Sigída, II. 216, 266, 267, 269-272; threats of, at Lower Diggings, 237, 238; practical disuse of, for politicals, 262; restoration of its use, 262; applied to women, 262, 266, 267, 270-272; of servant-girl at Kará, 333.
Flora of eastern Russia, I. 23, 24, 32, 33, 43, 44; of Siberia, 62-65, 68, 70, 71, 136-138, 145, 149, 150, 155, 188, 193-195, 202, 205, 206, 213, 217, 218, 227, 232, 279, 283, 351, 352, II. 63, 72.
Flowers, love of, in Siberia, I. 68, 69.
Foinítski, Prof. I., Russian author, II. 465-467.
Fomíchef, , political exile, II. 207.
Fomin, Mr., warden of Alexandrófski Zavód prison, II. 285, 286.
Forced colonization. See Colonization.
Forests, zone of, I. 61.
"Former Resident in Russia, A," II. 441.
Formic acid, strength of, I. 202, 203.
Fortune-telling, how puuished, I. 75.
Forum, the, II. 450.
France, sick- and death-rates of prisons in, I. 98, II. 534.
Frank, Rosa, political exile, II. 25.
Free command. See Exiles.
Free Russia, English newspaper, I. 344.
Freight wagons, I. 49-51.
Friends of Russian Freedom, I. 344.
Frisch, Commissioner, II. 374.
Frost, eternal, I. 58-61.
Frost, George A., breakdown of, II. 420, 422; dangerous illness of, 428.
Fruits of Siberia, I. 217, 218.
Full Collection of Russian Laws, I. 74-76.
Fumigation, II. 416.
Gálkine Wrásskoy, chief of prison administration, I. 390, 406, 407, II. 231, 234, 526, 533, 536-538; report on lazarets, I. 406, 407; part in the pogróm of May 11, II. 232, 235; harsh orders of, 261, 262; advocate of prison reform, 313, 314, 467-470; visit to, 429; report on Tomsk prison, furnished to International Prison Congress, 522, 523; opinion of politicals, 450, 451.
Gambling with vermin, I. 366.
Gartield, Pres., opinions of Russian Revolutionists on assassination of, I. 180.
Gatekeepers, village, I. 50, 71, 72, 132-134.
Gatsifer, II. 493.
Gaséta, II. 489.
Gazéta Gátsuka, II. 486, 488, 489, 492.
Géllis, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburg, II. 237.
Géllis, Madam, political exile, II. 237, 336.