Page:Siberia and the Exile System Vol 2.djvu/584

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Penal Code, I. 74.
Pépeláief, Mr., chief of exile bureau at Tomsk, I. 296, 311, 314, 315, 317.
Perisylní prison at Tomsk, II. 513-515.
Perm (city), embark for, I. 15; arrival at, 24; our arrest at, 25-30; prison at, 25, II. 533, 541, 542; commerce of, I. 31; departure from, 32; exile bureau in, 78; a convict station, 83.
Perm (province), partly in Asia, I. 35; boundary post of the province, 51; protest from, against Siberian exile, II. 458.
Permits to reside, II. 426.
Perófskaya, ——, Russian revolutionist, II. 184.
"Personal Detention as a Police Measure," I. 254.
Petersburg Leaflet, II. 492.
Peterson, ——, political exile, meeting with, on his return to Russia, II. 359, 366, 374, 377; police surveillance of, 379, 380.
Petition, right of, ignored by Russian government, I. 259.
Petróf, Gov., II. 60, 296; description of Alexandrófski central prison, 344.
Petropávlovsk, fortress of, II. 206.
Petropávlovski, political exile, I. 142, II. 441, 450, 494.
Petrunkévich, Iván I., expelled from province of Chernígof, II. 440.
Petukhóf, Gov. Nathaniel, courtesies and information from, I. 308-310, 312, 351; an embarrassing interview with, 345, 346; humane treatment of exiles, II. 42; censor of press, 517.
Phillípova, Véra, Russian terrorist, II. 433.
Photographs, as means of identification of convicts, I. 290, 291, 397.
Photography, difficulties of, in Maimáchin, II. 110-112.
Picture, a sacred, I. 127-130.
Pictured rocks, II. 366, 384.
Picturesque Review, II. 492.
Pik, ——, political exile, I. 266.
Písaref, Dmitri, Russian nihilist, II. 494, 505.
Písaref, Dr., physician of Irkútsk, II. 17.
Plague-guard, the, II. 415, 416.
Platinum mines, I. 35.
Plet, flogging with, II. 239, 333.
Plótto, Col. von, colonel of gendarmes, II. 265.
Pokrófski, our visit to mine, II. 302-304, 307; prison at, 302, 312, 313; number of convicts at, 317.
Polar exploration, village discussion of, I. 136.
Pole of cold, Asiatic, I. 60, 61.
Poles, banishment of, I. 82; statistics of exiles to Siberia, II. 280; transportation of, to Nérchinsk silver mines, 280, 288.
Polevói, Mr., Russian editor, imprisonment of, II. 492.
Police Gazette, II. 491.
Police, power of, I. 25; our arrest at Perm by, 25-30; interception of letters by, 244; irresponsibility of, 272; stringent regulation of, in Minusínsk, 328-330; right of search, II. 35; criminals among, 52; brutality of, 52-54; an entertaining chief of, 74-82, 84, 88, 92, 94, 97; risks of interference by, 379-383; skirmish with, in Minusínsk, 405-407.
Police surveillance, I. 242, 262, 263, 269, 273, 328-330, II. 25, 29-59, 189, 205, 552-554.
Political exiles. See Exiles.
Polónski, Mr., Russian editor, offer to subscribers, II. 487.
Polu-étapes, I. 369, 370, 382, 384, 385, 387.
Pomázkin, Mr., receiver for Bútin Bros., II. 324.
Pópeko, ——, political exile, death of, II. 259.
Popko, ——, political exile, II. 207.
Popóf, S. S., Russian author, II. 8.
Popóf, ——, political exile, immured for life at Schlusselburff, II. 237.
"Popular Life in the North," II. 23.
Poriádok, II. 484, 485.
Possiót, Vice-Adm., protest from, against exile system, II. 465.
Post-travel, I. 47-50, 70-73, 122-126, 130-139, 144, 152-157, 228-232, 279-281, 351, 354-357, 361-367, II. 62, 68-73, 98-102, 118, 279-284, 307, 308, 319, 320, 325-329, 343, 344, 350-365, 383-385, 415-420.
Pótulof, Major, hospitality of, II. 140-142, 168, 170, 171, 173, 188; on prison life, 146, 150, 157, 165; hostility between Capt. Nikólin and, 169-172, 174, 175; awkward relations with, 195-200; opinion of Véimar's case, 202; administration at Kará, 225-236, 260; brutality of, 240; our farewell to, 275; Col. Nóvikof's opinion of, 331, 332, 334.
"Powers of Darkness," sale forbidden, II. 492.
Pózen, ——, political exile, insanity of, II. 228, 259, 552.
Prayer-books, punishment for illegal printing of, II. 491.
Precious stones, I. 35.
Press, censorship of the, I. viii, 36, 160,

184, 185, 244, 246, 256, 285, 334, 336, II. 484-494; a limited freedom of, 21. See also names of publications.

Preston, Harriet W., II. 431.
Priklónski, S. A., Russian author, I. 245, II. 494; opinions on exile by administrative process, 21-23.
Prisédski, ——, political exile, II. 450.
Prisédski sisters, political exiles, I. 184.
Prison Administration, report of, II. 142.
"Prison Circulars," I. 246.
Prison discipline, II. 263, 264.
"Prisoners of the Irkútsk Prison Castle, and their Maintenance," II. 8.
Prison hospitals. See Hospitals.