Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/111

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"'Stay you there,' said Roger, 'and to-morrow you'll be as fit as a flint.'

"With that he went out again and turned up the beach toward the schooner. What amazed him most was that there was not a sign of life in Radulgo. The doors were shut; even the children had disappeared.

"'It's not possible that they do not know of the wreck,' he thought. 'Why are they not all turned out to help, or, at least, to watch?'

"The fog was lifting a bit, and as Roger came near the Head he saw two dark figures, with a third between them. This form was dressed in white and seemed to be that of a woman. As he started running down the beach, he heard a shriek; when he raised his eyes he saw that all three had vanished. Reaching the spot, he saw absolutely nothing. The waves licked silently up the shingle; before him Rangor Head brooded over the shattered schooner; above, a lone gull screamed uncannily.

"Night was beginning to fall now, and Roger, seeing no living thing near the wreck, turned back once more to Radulgo. When he entered his own room he found, to his astonishment, that the feather-bed was empty; the Yellow Man had disappeared! On the table lay a crinkling