Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/213

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"It is 8:16," he said; "a shockingly late hour for a lighthouse breakfast. Why do you ask?"

Garth was looking beseechingly at his mother.

"Please, may we go and look out?" he implored. "They ordered the guard-boats in with the mail at 8:15, and I think Joan doesn't believe they'll go."

"If it's a question of confirming her faith in the Navy, perhaps we'd better allow her five minutes' leave. Shall we let them, Elspeth?"

"Go, dreadful children!" said Elspeth. "But come back before the rest of your breakfast is entirely cold."

"There goes a little boat now," said Joan, as she reached the doorway and focussed the glasses.

"Has she a flag at the bow?" asked Garth, shading his eyes with his hand.

"Yes; it's a white flag with some spots on it. It looks very much like the Five of Clubs."

"That's the guard flag!" shouted Garth, in triumph. "I told you they'd go, Joan. Of course they always obey orders."

They spent most of the morning watching for signals, and by noon a sheet of paper was well covered with their cryptic notes. None of the