Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/275

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within. "Some'un's been here afore us and cleaned up the lot."

'No, they haven't!" the Captain cried. "Look'ee, here's something in the corner! Ben, our fortunes is made!"

In the depths of the box were quite a number of things—three silver buttons, a little brooch, a buckle, a Mexican peso (date, 1906), Joan's filigree watch-chain, and a most exciting heap of tin washers. Garth rattled them through his fingers.

"Pieces of eight!" he said dramatically, "and doubloons! Look'ee!"

Joan lifted the watch-chain.

"And like enough the black villain tore this from some lady's neck," she observed.

"Like enough!" the Captain agreed, with a twinkle.

When every detail of the chest had been inspected and admired, the doubloons were counted and stacked up again.

"Let's dig at my hole a little more," Garth suggested, "just for fun."

The crutches having remained at the top of the bank when Garth rolled down it, he made the short ascent on hands and knees and