Page:Silver Shoal Light.djvu/67

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JOAN, to whom the white duck hat had afforded little protection, was well sunburned,—not a nice tan, but a uniform and painful red.

"It looks rather like a boiled crab now," said Garth, when she came down to breakfast the next day, "but it'll turn brown soon. The only thing to do is to get some more before that has a chance to come off. You might get some while we're poking in the sea-caverns."

"Sea-caverns?" said Joan.

"Yes; the ones we meant to look at yesterday afternoon, only we went sailing instead. Will the tide be right, Fogger?"

"You'll want it on the ebb," said Pemberley. "Yes, it'll be ready for you about nine o'clock."

Since everyone seemed to think that poking in sea-caverns was a perfectly rational occupation, Joan could not well refuse and accepted the project in silence.