Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/109

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cutting whip so he accepted his leadership with as good grace as he could.

When the team was finally harnessed up Wolf was in the lead with Billy next to him. Then Snowball was placed as wheel dog and Ginger, Whirlwind, and Silversheene in between them. Silversheene was very glad Gene did not place him next to Wolf, for that savage Husky well bore out his name and he punished poor Billy mercilessly whenever he transgressed any of the laws of the team.

Billy of course was green so he often transgressed and suffered accordingly. Gene trained them in an open field back of the hotel and in half a day had them partly broken.

At the crack of the whip Wolf led off and woe betide Billy if he did not follow his lead. They first learned that "mush" meant to go forward. As this was their natural impulse it was readily learned. They were taught gee and haw which came harder. But at the word and the crack of