Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/116

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very hard. Sometimes it was upon the smooth ice of the Yukon, while at other times they would flounder for hours through drifts. But the mode of procedure each day was the same.

Each morning the dogs came scrambling out of their snow beds at the first sound from their master and shook the snow from their long coats, and licked their feet until they were perfectly clean. Any cuts or bruises were also attended to.

They came as close to the morning campfire as they could and not disturb Gene's effort at getting breakfast. This also gave them a chance to get thawed out after the long night in the snow and to stretch their legs. They watched with expectant faces while their master ate. But when he got out the harnesses and laid them in a long row in front of the sled, each dog was usually in his place. If any lingered old Wolf was upon him and he was punished well for his tardiness. Then Gene harnessed them with care and saw that every-