Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/124

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cular François was short and fat. His nickname by which he was always called when he was absent was "The Pig." He was very dark, probably with an Indian strain in his blood. His face was repulsive to the last degree and Silversheene's hair upon his neck arose the first time François laid his hand upon him. Instinctively the fine dog felt the degradation of the hand of this brutal man.

His eyes were small and near together, and usually red from drink. His lips were thin and cruel and his teeth usually showed in a malicious grin. He was a great gunman and always toted a .44. Like all bullies he was something of a coward, but always ready to bully the weak and the helpless.

He was especially noted as a hard driver of dogs and a team might well mourn the day he became its master.

By this time Silversheene had been moved up in the dog team until he now stood behind Wolf, the lead dog.