Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/206

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neck, patting the beautiful head which had been so expressive. The coat was not as sleek as it had been when he last saw Silversheene, for now it was full of burdocks and briers and matted and twisted. It had always needed a lot of brushing in the summer time. As Dick glanced back along the prostrate body he noted to his unspeakable astonishment that the bushy tail was slowly lifted and gently let fall upon the ground. He watched in breathless silence and the signal was repeated. Not only twice but several times. Then a shudder ran through the motionless dog and he gave a deep sigh.

"My God, Silversheene, Silversheene, are you still alive?"

For answer the noble dog opened his eyes and lifted his head slightly and looked at his master with those handsome brown eyes which the young man knew so well.

"Oh, chum! Oh, Silversheene! You are alive. Thank God for that!"

Then very tenderly Richard examined the