Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/214

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inated from one's vocabulary and the word tireless written in its place in large letters. In this connection Dick remembered hearing Scotty Ellis say that he never let his dogs know in the race that he was tired. So, at the end of a day's run, when he was nearly heartbroken with fatigue, he would sing and whistle and pretend it was just a jolly lark.

So day after day Richard worked as he never had worked before. For two months they put in the hardest sort of runs. Sometimes it was on the comparatively smooth ice of the Yukon, but more often cross country through gulches and over mountains that tried their endurance to the utmost.

Finally in November Dick accepted an offer to take Klondyke Jones, as he was called, on a record-breaking trip into a new and hard country. A strike had been made and Jones wished to be on the spot in the shortest possible time. The run that Henderson's Huskies and the two men made