Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/218

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Scotty Ellis's team was composed of his old dog, Baldy, and several of his descendants, for he had been breeding from old Baldy a strain of racers which could not be duplicated in Alaska.

Next to Yukon Harry, who was a giant in stature and a brutal driver, Hans Johnson, a Swede, was placed. Henderson's Huskies were not ranked very high, although some said they might come in fourth. This was after Klondyke Jones had pronounced them winners.

Frenchie's big Hudson Bay dogs were good to look at, but were generally considered too heavy and likely to get footsore. Another team of Siberian Huskies driven by a half-breed named Joe were also good lookers but not seriously considered as winners. The last team in the race was composed of Russian Wolf hounds driven by an Englishman called Buck Wellington.

Not only was the team a prime factor in this great race, but also the endurance of the driver was most important, for he had