Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/238

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the other teams and was squaring away for the home stretch.

Dick pulled into Gold Gulch just as Scotty Ellis was pulling out. The debonair Scotchman waved him a farewell.

Richard wanted to go after him immediately, but he saw it was the better part of valor to rest a bit. Perhaps his courage would come back to him. Seeing that his team was all in, he struck up the Oregon University song and sang and laughed until their tails were up again and they were all grinning their cheerful dog grins.

"Oh, Oregon! Oh, Oregon! the University, the only one.
It takes you as a freshman in, and changes all except your skin,
Then takes you kindly by the fin and turns you out in life to win,
Oh, Oregon! Oh, Oregon!"

The stirring old song did Dick a world of good. It gave him back the college enthusiasm. He would fight for old Oregon and would not give up. The people of his