Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/250

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family, and it was a thanksgiving day all remembered for the rest of their lives. They received Silversheene as one returned from the dead, and petted and praised him until his tail was fairly lame wagging appreciation. Mrs. Henderson told Eleanor that she would break the dog's neck if she hugged him so much, but both dog and girl seemed to think it was all right.

There was but one cloud on the horizon to mar the homecoming of Dick and Silversheene, and this was because of their old enemmy Pedro Garcia. He had become very insolent and untrustworthy of late, and Mr. Henderson had been compelled to discharge him. After he had left town, ten thousand dollars was found missing from the safe. While that very morning Mr. Henderson had received a letter from the greaser in which he threatened to return some night and shoot up the house.

Dick laughed when he read it.

"Let him come," he said. "I have had considerable practice with a .44 since I left