Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/30

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Then she went shyly out to see whom fate had marooned almost in her yard.

She discovered a large Packard limousine drawn up beside the road in their very dooryard. A tall athletic young man of college age came quickly forward.

"I have to apologize for trespassing on your grass," he said smiling pleasantly. "But it seemed the only place to get out of the road while we put on a new tire."

"It is perfectly all right," replied the girl quickly. "It won't hurt the grass any. Besides grass is very common with us. We have a hundred acres of it."

"It is very good of you," he said. "I am glad we are detained so pleasantly. These Adirondack Mountains look good to me. We live in Northern Oregon and have some mountains there."

"Are you going straight back to Oregon?" asked the girl, remembering her trouble and her plan for its solution.

"Oh, yes," he replied nonchalantly. That is, as soon as Dad and Mother will