Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/62

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And Eleanor was just about Hilda's size and her voice reminded the homesick dog of his lost mistress. So she fitted into the sore spot in his dog heart and they became the best of friends.

The only other dogs on the place were a Pomeranian named Snap, and a cocker spaniel called Jerry. The Pomeranian Silversheene would not even deign to look at. He evidently considered him a disgrace to the dog family, but he and Jerry became very good friends, and had many a good romp together.

The week after their return Richard went away to college and Silversheene missed him greatly. But Eleanor was only away for the day so they had the nights and mornings together.

Mr. Henderson finally taught Silversheene to go with him in the automobile and he always left him in the car while he was doing errands. He boasted to his friends that he did not worry much about having his car stolen, or anything taken from it