Page:Silversheene (1924).djvu/99

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Gordet and he took Silversheene with him when he went away.

He did not know, but this was a new chapter in his life. One that would take him thousands of miles away from Oregon which had been his home for the past year. Not only was he to go far away, but he was to take an active part in the most strenuous life that men have ever lived. Life that tires men's muscles and endurance to the breaking point. He was to be tested out with a twenty-foot rawhide whip, and a daily run that would leave a civilized dog dying beside the trail at the end of the first day.

Henceforth, Silversheene was to learn in the hard school of experience. He was to learn the law of fang and whip in a country where the under dog never was given quarter and the only fight to wage was the fight that won.

The following day Silversheene and Gene Gordet boarded a train for the north. They went into the baggage car where Gene