Page:Simplified grammar of the Hungarian language.djvu/92

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Affirmatives are: igen, yes.

Negatives: ne, not; nem, no, not; sem, neither, not even.

Note.—Ne is used only before the imperative and subjunctive moods of the verbs; in all other cases nem is used; as, hogy ne irjak, That I shall not write; nem irok, I don't write.

Comparison of Adverbs.

The comparative of derivative adverbs is made in the same manner as that of the adjectives from which they are derived, their significant termination being put after the suffix of comparison: as—

Adjective: szép szebb legszebb
Adverb: szépen szebben legszebben

Of primitive adverbs only a few admit of the comparative; some will take the comparative or the superlative only, and are therefore defective; as—

1. Távol, distant; távolabb legtávolabb
2. Erre, this way; errébb (has no superl.)
3. Elől, in front; legelöl, foremost (has no compar.)

An exception is inkább, which has no positive, but is used only in the comparative and superlative: inkább, sooner, rather; leginkább, soonest, especially (both used to express preference).