Page:Singing games.djvu/12

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A boy and girl of about the same height, each standing on a low stool, if necessary, join both hands and raise them so as to form an arch. Under this arch the rest of the children pass round and round, singing:

<< \relative b' { \key g \major \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4 \autoBeamOff 
b a b a | g g g4. b8 | c4 b4 c4 b4 | a2. \bar "|" \break 
b4 | c8 c8 d4 e4. c8 | b4 c4 d4 b4 | a4 c4 b4 a4 | a2. r4 \bar ".."
\addlyrics{ Nee -- dle's eye as | I pass by, A -- | wait -- ing  to go through, There's | ma -- ny a lass that | I have passed, And | now I have got you. } >>

The hands are dropped over the head of the one who happens to be in the right place, and the question is put, "Which will you have? A gold locket, or a gold ring?" or anything else that has been decided upon.

Questions and answers are in whispers, and the one caught is told to take her place behind one or the other of the two forming the arch.

The game goes on until all have been caught in the needle's eye, and then begins the "tug of war," each side pulling with all its might until one gives way.


This a very good game for exercising, and creates merriment among the little ones. The players stand in a circle and suit their actions to the following rhymes:

"I put my ugly mug in,

[Each head is thrust forward.]

I put my ugly mug out;
I give myself a shake, shake, shake
And turn myself about."

"I put my right elbow in,
I put my right elbow out;
I give myself a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about."

"I put my left elbow in,
I put my left elbow out;
I give myself a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about."

"I put my right foot in,
I put my right foot out;
I give myself a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about."

Then follows the left foot, right ear and left ear, &c. As much of the fun depends upon the shaking, the "shake, shake, shake" should be given as comically as possible.