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He wears nae plaid nor tartan hose,
Nor garter at his knee, Donald,
But, oh! he wears a faithfu heart,
And love blinks in his e’e, Donald.

Sae haud awa, bide awa,
Come nae mair at e’en, Donald;
I wadna break my Jeamie’s heart,
To be a Highland queen, Donald.

Had I the wyte she bade me.

Had I the wyte, had I the wyte,
Had I the wyte she bade me?
She watch’d me by the hiegate side,
And up the loan she show’d me.

And when I wadna venture in,
A coward loon she ca’d me:
Had kirk and state been in the gate,
I’d lighted when she bade me.

Sae craftilly she took me ben,
And bade me make nae clatter;
For our rumgunshoek, glum gudeman
Is o’er ayont the water.

Whae’er shall say I wanted grace,

When I did kiss and daut her,