Page:Soldier poets, songs of the fighting men, 1916.djvu/64

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Lieut., Devon Regiment

Killed in the Somme Advance, July, 1916


ABOVE the storied city, ringed about
With shining waters, stands God's ancient house
Over the windy uplands gazing out
Towards the sea; and deep about it drowse
The grey dreams of the buried centuries,
And thro' all time across the rustling weirs
The ancient river passes,—thus it lies
Exceeding wise and strong and full of years.

Often within those dreaming isles we heard,
Breaking the level flow of sombre chords,
A trumpet-call of melody that stirred
The blood and pierced the heart like flaming swords.
Long years we learned and grew, and in this place
Put on the harness of our manhood's state,
And then with fearless heart and forward face
Went strongly forth to try a fall with fate:
And so we passed, and others had our place.
But well we know that here till days shall cease,
While the great stream goes seaward and trees bloom,
God's kindness dwells about these courts of peace.