Page:Songs of the Affections.pdf/221

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Come to me! make your thrilling whispers heard,
    Ye, by those masters of the soul endow'd
With life, and love, and many a burning word,
    That bursts from grief, like lightning from a cloud,
And smites the heart, till all its chords reply,
As leaves make answer when the wind sweeps by.

Come to me! visit my dim haunt!—the sound
    Of hidden springs is in the grass beneath;
The stock-dove's note above; and all around,
    The poesy that with the violet's breath
Floats through the air, in rich and sudden streams,
Mingling, like music, with the soul's deep dreams.

Friends, friends!—for such to my lone heart ye are—
    Unchanging ones! from whose immortal eyes
The glory melts not as a waning star,
    And the sweet kindness never, never dies;