Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/324

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Southern Historical Society Papers.
  Killed. Wounded. Prisoners. Total.
Second Regiment...   4     27     1     32  
Fourth Regiment...   8     24     24     56  
Fourteenth Regiment...   5     37     2     44  
Thirtieth Regiment...   6     34     5     45  
    23     112     32     177  

I am, Major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. D. Ramseur, Brigadier-General.

General Davis' Report of Operations of Heth's Division.

Headquarters Davis' Brigade,
August 22, 1863.

Major William H. Palmer, Assistant Adjutant-General:

Major—I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of Major-General Heth's division in the battle of the 3d of July at Gettysburg. On the evening of the 2d, this division, under command of Brigadier-General J. J. Pettigrew (Major-General Heth having been wounded in the engagement of the 1st), moved to the front and was formed in line of battle, with Archer's brigade on the right, commanded by D. B. Fry (Brigadier-General Archer having been wounded and captured on the 1st of July); Colonel Brockenbrough's brigade on the left; Pettigrew's, commanded by Colonel James K. Marshall, of the Fifty-second North Carolina, on the right centre, and Davis' on the left centre, immediately in the rear of our artillery, which was in position on the crest of a high ridge running nearly parallel to the enemy's line, which was on a similar elevation and near one mile distant—the intervening space, except the crests of the hills, being fields intersected by strong post and rail fences. In this position we bivouacked for the night.

Early on the morning of the 3d, the enemy threw some shells at the artillery in our front, from which a few casualties occurred