Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/364

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

Headquarters, July 20, 1864—10.20 A. M.

Major-General Wheeler, Commanding Cavalry Corps:

General—General Hood directs me to say that you must retard the enemy as much as possible. Should you finally be forced back, form and strengthen yourself upon the right of our infantry, which is now being extended to the railroad.

Yours respectfully,

A. P. Mason, Major and A. A. G.

July 20, 1.10 P. M.

General Wheeler, Commanding Cavalry Corps:

Are you driven back, or have you only fallen back to find a good position? What is your estimate of enemy? Hold at all hazards! General Smith, with all the reserve artillery, occupies the works behind you.


W. W. Mackall, Brigadier-General

General Wheeler, Commanding Cavalry Corps:

General Brown has been ordered to extend to the railroad. You will please keep in communication with him and support him. I am now on the left of my line, which is a long one. If you should find the enemy moving to my left, you will please inform me.

B. F. Cheatham, Major-General.

My skirmishers on my left are now heavily engaged.

General Wheeler, Commanding Cavalry:

I have one thousand yards in my centre with the troops deployed in a single line, and have been compelled to take brigade from my left, which is now not protected. I need 2,000 men to fill my line. General G. W. Smith is near you; call on him.

B. F. Cheatham, Major-General.

Hold until night, if possible, and keep me posted.

B. F. Cheatham, Major-General.