Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/408

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

Gibson's report accompanies this. He never reported to me, although subject to my orders; and his two guns were all the artillery I could command for the purpose of defence, although I took the responsibility of ordering up a piece from the battalion of Cheatham's division. General Walthall's communication in relation to a piece of artillery to be placed in position was sent by me immediately on its receipt to General Stevenson. Captain Henry, of the division staff, was the bearer of it. The movements of the enemy were very rapid, and an impenetrable fog hung around the mountain all day.

I am, Major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

John K. Jackson, Brigadier-General.

History of Lane's North Carolina Brigade.

By Brigadier-General James H. Lane.

No. 8.


Headquarters, Lane's Brigade,
December 23d, 1862.

Major R. C. Morgan, Assistant Adjutant-General:

Major—I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my brigade in the late engagement before Fredericksburg.

At half-past six o'clock, on the morning of the 12th, we left our bivouac and took the position assigned us on the railroad—my right being about two hundred and fifty yards to the left of the small piece of woods beyond the track, and my left resting on a dirt road which crosses the railroad near the point where it makes a bend. Several batteries were to my left and rear, and General Pender some distance farther back, my left nearly covering his right. When I had made this disposition of my command, I rode to the right of General Archer's brigade, which was posted in the woods some four hundred yards from the railroad, and informed Colonel Turney, who was at that time commanding, that there was an open space of about six hundred yards between us. I also informed General Gregg of this opening—his command, which was to have been my support, being on the Military road opposite this