Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 12.djvu/490

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480 Southern Historical Society Papers.

compaign. To the Tenth Mississippi the loss was irreparable. The star of their destiny had been extinguished, and its brave men could never afterward, in following another, feel the same soldierly pride or patriotic hope.

Perhaps it will be said that his dash and bravery when in action were not uncommon traits of the Confederate soldier; that under the "stimulus of excited physical faculties and of the moving passions" the same was true of thousands of those who fell in or survived the late war. That is so, but no one who had known Colonel Smith, or had ob- served him well, could fail to discover that his was a different charac- ter and of a more earnest type than was that of most soldiers who were equally brave and dashing.

We need portray him only as he was looked upon by his troops — brave, earnest, single-minded and unassuming — a devotee to duty, "who softened its asperities to others," causing those who knew him best to admire him most. " Self-restraint, which has been termed the highest form of self-assertion," is a marked characteristic of the race from which Colonel Smith sprung, and was possessed by him in an eminent degree. He never gave way to "moods," and only when the necessities of discipline demanded, would he inflict upon the dis- obedient or unworthy the pain of his frown, and even then his better nature would soon assert itself in the charms of his favor. No man, woman or child could be more tender when deserving ones sought his sympathy. No warrior could be more stern when duty prompted reproof. The refinements of his nature would not brook the slangs and abuses of speech, nor tolerate evil words or evil surmises. His devotion to the care and welfare of the men under him was intense, and he was always ready to sacrifice his own pleasure, his time and labor to them.

With his death this " hastily written and imperfect eulogy of a typical Confederate soldier and officer" must end, in time for me to turn to "pay brief but heartfelt homage" to another — one who has come across 3,000 miles of the Atlantic's blue waters to meet us to- day and make to us this graceful expression of his fraternal love and friendship. It is something ennobling to behold the love, friendship and reverence which prompted this occasion and which is manifested in this demonstration by the living brother to the memory of the dead. It is rarely that we see this better nature of man so pro- nounced in its expression, and for this reason it deserves more than a passing notice.

My comrades, in Mr. James Smith, our honored friend and host,