Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 15.djvu/534

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Sugar, Lt. W. B., 432. Sugg, H.Stew'dJ. P., 454. Sullivan's Battery, 44. Sullivan, Lt. J . J., 313. Sultive, Capt. J . W , 94. Surrender, Incidents of the, xvii,<?* J

of, xvi.

Surry Light Artillery, 27. Sussdorf, Ass't Surg. A. P., 432. Sutherland, Lt. A. P , 432. Sutton, Surg. W. T., 196. Swanson, Capt. S. F., 85. Sykes, Capt. W. Scott, 348. Symington, Capt. T. A. ,70. Symington, Capt. W. S., 70.

Tabb, Col. W. B., 432.

Taft, Lt. G. E., 276.

Talcott, Col. T. M. R., 467.

Taliaferro, Capt. H. B., 71.

Tannahill, Capt. E. D., 3.

Tannehill. W. T., 3.

Tanner, Major N. M., 238.

Tanner's Battery, 465.

Tapscott, l.t.J. B., 2.

Tarpley, Capt. T. W., 287.

Tate, Ass't Surg. H. W., 197.

Tate, Surg. J. L., 286.

Tate, Capt. J. M., 358.

Tayloe, Col. George E., 333.

Taylor, Major E., 69.

Taylor, E. B., 18.

Taylor, Lt. E. P., 95.

Taylor, Lt. J. F.,3, 431.

Taylor, Lt. J. L., 304.

Taylor, Capt. J. M., 204, 210.

Taylor, Lt. J. M., 305.

Taylor, Lt. M. F., 69.

Taylor, Maj. R. B., 347.

Taylor, Lt. R. P., 73.

Taylor, Col. R. S., 161.

Taylor, Maj. R. T.. 393.

Taylor, Lt. W. B., 295.

Taylor, Col. W. H., cited, ii.

Taylor, Surg. W. H , 71.

Taylor's Battery, 44, 54.

Teezley, Lt. A. J., no.

Telegraph Operators, 465.

Temple, Cadet P. C., 454.

Temple, Surg. T. P.,347-

Tennant, Rev. J. C., 263.

Tennessee Infantry, ist reg't, 287.

Tennessee Infantry, 8th reg't, 288.

Tennessee Infantry, i4th reg't, 288, 456.

Tennessee Infantry, I7th reg't, 289.

Tennessee Infantry, 23d reg't, 290.

Tennessee Infantry, 25th reg't, 291.

Tennessee Infantry, 44th reg't, 292.

Tennessee Infantry, 63d reg't, 293.

Tennille, Capt A. L. C., 94.

Terrell, Capt. J. D.,314.

Terrill, Surg. R. M., 95. .

Terrill, Capt. W. G., 369.

Terry's Brigade, 84.

Terry's (Jones's) Brigade, 227.

Texas Brigade, 7th, 160.

Texas Infantry, 5th reg't, 163.

Texas Infantry, nth reg't, 168.

Thach, Capt. F., 361,

Thaxton. Lt. D. J. C., 394.

Thomas, Capt. C. H., 275.

Thomas, Gen. E. L. ; Brigade of, 393.

Thomas, Ass't Surg. E. L., 313.

Thomas, Lt. G. A., 239.

Thomas, Capt. G. W., 333.

Thomas, Capt. H. R., 171.

Thomas, Surg. M. S., 304.

Thomas, Lt. W. S., 432.

Thompson, Capt. C. L., 71.

Thompson, Lt. D. S., 274.

Thompson, Lt. E. B., 213.

Thompson, Chaplain E. W., 263.

Thompson, Capt. G. G., 2.

Thompson, Lt. G. G., 367.

Thompson, Capt. G. H., 239. Thompson, C. S. Navy, G. N., 450. Thompson, Lt. G. W., 122. Thompson, Lt. J. F., 413. Thompson, Lt. S. T., 358. terms Thompson, Ass't Surg. V. O., 275. Thompson, Lt. W. G., 382. Thompson, Capt. W. H., 253. Thorburn, Capt. H. C., 45. Thornbury, Lt. M. M., 358. Thornton, Lt. S. A., 23. Thornton, Lt. T. D., 23. Thornton, Maj. W. W., 189. Thorp, Capt. J. H., 296. Threadgill, Lt. J. H., 263. Thurman, Lt. J. K., 49. Tibbs, Lt. Thos. A., 432. Tinsley, Capt. H., 246. Tinsley, Capt. J. F., 18. Tinsley, Chaplain Peter, 71. Tisille, Lt. H., 14. 62. Todd, Surg. C. H., 190. Todd, Lt. L. A., 358. Tolburt, Lt. J. M., 304. Tompkins, Lt. J. L., 85, 229. Tompkins, Lt. U. H., 413. Tondee, Capt. R. P., 108. Tondee, Lt. W. H., 108. Toney, Capt. J. M., 85. Toomes, Lt. E. T. 238. Torbet, Lt. S P., 161 Torsch, Capt. J. W., 286. Torrence. Stuart's Horse Art., J., 5. Torrence, Capt. J. N., 424. Towers, Col. J. R., 94. Towle, Lt. W. G.. 170. Tramwell, Capt T. R., 96. Treasury Department, 466. Trenary, Lt. R. E., 85. Trescot, Surg. G. E., 359. Trescott, C. S. Navy, E. B., 450. Trevilian, Surg. J. G., 72. Tribble, Lt J. J., 286. Trout, Capt. E. S., 190. Troy, Capt. R. P., 275. Trueheart, Ass't Surg. C. W., 467. Truesdell, Lt. G C., 403. Tucker, Capt. J. A., 247. Tucker, Lt. J. B., 263. Tunstall, Adj't A., 347. Turnbull, Lt. S J., 304. Turnbull's house, iv. Turner, Capt. A. S., 170.

Turner, Maj. F. P., Q'r-M'rnot "Ch. Sur." 13. Turner, Lt. H. C., 358. Turner, Lt. H., 253. Turner, Maj. R. H , 72. Turner, Capt. T. J., 72 Turner, Capt. V. E., 189. Turner, Lt. W. T , 145. Turnley, J. W., 18. Tuttle, Lt. W. A., 382. Tyler, Lt. G., 17. Tyler, Capt. J. E., 347. Tyler, Lt. J. R., 449. Tyns, Capt. J. N., 109.

United Artillery, 43.

Upshaw, Lt T. A., 231.

Usserg, Lt. J W., 367.

Utterback, Capt. A. W., 13; Battery of, 45, 67.

Vallandigham, Lt. Geo. D., 14, 58. Vance, Ass't Surg. T. J., 347. Vance, Lt. P. M., 314. Vann, Lt. T. J., 304. Vaughan, Lt. Geo. D., 13, 51. Veal, Lt. L. E , 394. Veazy, Lt. P. G., 109. Venable, Col C. S., ix. Vicks, Maj. A. W., 274. Vigal, Ass't Surg. J. A., 358. Vincent, Lt. J. B., 348. Vincent, Capt. L. W. C., 146.