Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 26.djvu/393

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Nmtliwestern Territory Influence of in form-

inn tin- I Hion, 54. Norton, Mai. Geo. F., in.

Old Market Mission, Richmond, The, 260.

. '.. u. I A., 3. <3-

Palmer, Rev. Dr. B. M., 284.

Palmer, burgeon W. P., 205

pt R E. ; Diary of, i ; Positions held , 16.

Pelham, Major John ; Tributes to, 212, 292; Portrait of Presented Lee Camp C. V , 201 ; Limilnti Times on, 293 : Lines on, 299 ; Re- collections of, 306.

Pensioning of the Confederate Soldiers by the U. S. Government, Protest against, 313, 322.

Pettigrew, General J. J., wounded, 144.

Peyton, Major T. G., 242.

I'u kens, Colonel S. B., 2.

Porter, General Fitz John, 135, 250.

Port Royal, Battle of, 233.

Presbyterian Church, Richmond, The Second, 259-

Preston, General John S., 244.

Proskauer, Major, 21.

Pryor, Colonel Roger A , 108.

Rains, Colonel G J., 370.

Ramseur, General S. L)., and bride, 4,

Randolph, General G. W., 243.

Randolph, John, 350.

Raoul, Miss C. T., fired the gun proclaiming the secession of Alabama, 212.

Reeve, Captain E. Payson, in.

Reilly, Major James, 161.

Richmond, Va., Fall of, 375 ; hotels in 1863, 3.

Rodes, General R. E., Commendation of Ala- bama troops, 31.

Roosevelt, Hon. Theo., 342.

Rosser, Rev. Dr. Leo., 18.

Rowe, Colonel, Residence of, 25.

Ruffin, Edmund, at Fort Sumter, 107.

Russell, Lord John, 332

Ryan, Lieutenant, killed, u.

Sanford, Col. J. W. A, Address of. 209. Sanford, Col. W. J.. Address of, 184. Schenck, Rev. Dr. B S.. 316 Screws, Capt. B. H., Address of, 212. Secession, Blain on, 59; right of, 189, 210, 330,

336. Seymour, Horatio, on the conquest of the

South, 325.

Shafer, Miss Rose, Bravery of, 12. Shafter, General W. R., 227. Shields, Col. John C , 241. Shiloh, Battle of, 225. Simons, Gen. Jas., 108. Slave, Southern relation of master to, 262. Slavery not the cause of the disruption of the

Union, 55, 108, 190, 333. Smith, Rev. Dr. James Power, 289. Smith, Goldwin, on the subjection of the South,

Smith, Gen G. W., 32,36; fellow graduates with, 79; tribute to Gen. Whiting, 141, 149; Supt.of Foundry in Georgia, Commander of Georgia Militia, So

Smith, Judge Wm , 33.

Smith, Hon. W. R., 299.

Soule, Capt G. C., 87.

South Carolina, Coast defense of, 62.

South, The constant patriotism of, 130, 185, 189;

Kunlish sympathizers with, 332, 344. Stevens' Battery, C H., 67. Stewart, Rev. J. Calvin, 260. Stuart's Battery, 233. Stuart, Gen. J. E. B , Address on, 87; his ride

around Me lellan, 90, 127, 185, 246. Sumter, Bombardment of Fort, 101. Swanson, Col. W G., 3.

Taylor, of Caroline, John, 353.

Terrell, Dr. U , 2.

Thanksgiving, Dec 10, 1863, 26.

Theatre in 1863, Richmond, managers and ac- tors of, 3.

ThermopyUe, Pass of, 132.

Thompson, John R., 259

Trained officers in war, 66.

Travel, Confederate rates of. 15.

Tredegar Iron Works, The, 368.

Trt-scot, Hon. Wm H., on the characterof the young men of South Carolina in 1861, 83, 234.

Trimble, Gen. Isaac R., 116.

Torpedoes, Use of in Southern harbors, 67.

Tucker, Rev. Dr. B. D., 315.

Turnbull, Rev. L. B , 261.

Tyler, Gov. J Hoge, 395.

Varnell's Station, Those who fell at, 224. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 189. Virginia, Secession of, 40; munificcnse of, 53;

despoilment of, 61. Virginia or Merrimac, The, 216.

Wade, Col. W. B., 222.

Walker, Maj. John, 157.

Walshe, Capt. B.T.,377.

Washington, Gen , entertained at " White Hall," S. C , in 1791, 78.

Wells, Capt. E. L., 235.

West Virginia meeting at Clarksburg in 1861, Constitution of the Wheeling Convention adopted, 40; U. S Senators W ilhams, Trum- 1'ull. Willey and Powell, on admission of, 42, 43; Representatives Conway. Colfax, Crit- tenden, Dawes, Si-gar and Stevens, on. 44, 45; vote on, 48; government at Alexandria, 50; U. S. Supreme Court on validity of gov- ernment of, 51.

Wheeler, Gen. Joseph, 185, 219: visit of, to Richmond, 291; his tribute to Pelham, 296; physique of, 302.

Whitfield, Surgeon George, 5.

Whiting, General W. H C., Address on by C. B. Denson, 129 ; his heroic death, 174.

Whittle, William C., 315.

Wickham, General W. C., 242.

Wilcox, Colonel J. J., Eulogies of, 3.

Williams, Benjamin J . 333.

Williams, Rev. John G.. 37.

Winder, General John H., 242.

Wirz, Captain Henry, 337.

Women ol the South, Tributes to, 186, 213,304, 33.

Wright, honored, Private, 10.

Wright, Judge T. R. B., 347.